This is totally off topic but is something on my mind. Now I want to first start by saying I do not believe in karma, luck, “it was meant to be” stuff. Saying that, the other day I saw a group of people pushing their car down the street in front of my house. I yelled out, “did you run out of gas”, and of course they did. I proceeded to get my gas can so that they could put a bit into their car. They seemed very grateful when I was gong to get the gas but once they finished pouring it into their tank they drove off with a quick thanks. Now today at the gym I found one of those wallet locker keys in the locker room. Instead of checking out the locker I dropped the key off at the front desk and let them know I had found it. Now I did these things because it is just the right thing to do and I was not looking for anything in return but it would be nice if it seemed people were more grateful. It would have been nice if they offered to pay for the gas, not that I would have taking any money but I would have enjoyed the gesture. As for the key I dropped off, I didn’t even get a thank you. So I guess I am just hoping that all of this good karma I’m building up will help me out with my knee!