Tuesday, July 05, 2005

When to Get Thinks Done

I am under the impression that the best time to get things done is in the summer. This is not to put down the ZBA, Planning Board, or any other of our towns boards, they continue to do a wonderful job all year round. I only bring this up because I just don’t think people pay as close attention to things going on in the summer, there is too many other things to do like vacation! I only bring this up because I am also a victim of this. I was planning on writing (almost a month ago) about 40B’s, foreclosures, and the housing glut and maybe I’ll still get back to this at some point but as of yet have still not got to it. The amount of reading material I have been planning to read continues to grow, as does my grass. I guess I’ll blame it on my kids and wife, the easy way out. I will try to make contributions more often but until that fall chill hits, no guarantees.

Some random things you might have interest in:

  • AvalonBay was in the news again. They are having issues with their sign and one of their one-way roads. You can get more information at Citizens for a Safe Bedford website.

  • There is plans for a new restaurant on Burlington Road called Flatbread. One interesting note is that they are planning on serving liquor.

  • Bruce Blake’s 40B property, Patriot Place, is having issues with the HDC. There is a disagreement with both the outside lighting and the wall units planned for his property.

  • The intersection at the Depot Park is still all torn up. I mention this only because it was planned to have already been paved by this point and them working on the traffic lights. Mainly I mention this because I have to drive and walk over all of the time and I eagerly await the asphalt to go down!

I hope you all enjoyed this weekend’s firework. Enjoy your summer and all that Bedford has to offer.

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